
Zero-Trust Security in Healthcare

Zero-Trust Security in Healthcare is a cybersecurity strategy that assumes no user, device, or network can be inherently trusted, and requires continuous authentication and authorization for access to sensitive medical data and systems. This way of doing things helps healthcare organizations protect patient information and critical infrastructure from cyber threats. This protects data privacy and makes sure that organizations are following regulations.

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A Wake-up Call for Healthcare IT: The MOVEit Breaches

Aug 30, 2023

"Rampant Smoothing (RTS) Algorithm: an optimized consensus mechanism for private Blockchain enabled technologies"

This research was conducted by Usman Tariq. It was published in the journal EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. The study presents a novel consensus mechanism for private blockchain technologies, which can enhance data security in various fields, including healthcare.

"Towards developing a secure medical image sharing system based on zero trust principles and blockchain technology"

This research was conducted by Maliha Sultana, Afrida Hossain, Fabiha Laila, Kazi Abu Taher, and Muhammad Nazrul Islam. It was published in the journal BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. The study proposes a secure medical image sharing system that combines zero trust principles and blockchain technology.

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