
Patient Engagement Platforms

Patient Engagement Platforms are digital tools and applications designed to improve communication between healthcare providers and patients, facilitate access to health information, and support patients in managing their health. These platforms contribute to better patient outcomes, increased satisfaction, and overall wellness.

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Maximizing Patient Engagement with Third-Party Partnerships: A 1-2-3 Model Approach

May 1, 2023

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The 8 Benefits of Optimized SaaS in Healthcare - And How to Obtain Them Using Best Practices

May 12, 2023

"Transportation barriers to care among frequent health care users during the COVID pandemic"

This research was conducted by Abigail L. Cochran, Noreen C. McDonald, Lauren Prunkl, Emma Vinella-Brusher, Jueyu Wang, Lindsay Oluyede, and Mary Wolfe. It was published in BMC Public Health. The study investigates transportation barriers to accessing health care services during the COVID-19 pandemic among high-frequency health care users. The researchers found that approximately 1 in 3 respondents experienced transportation barriers to health care between June 2020 and June 2021. The study recommends more coordination between transportation and health professionals and the implementation of programs that expand access to and improve patient awareness of health care mobility services.

"Using patient engagement platforms in the postoperative management of patients"

This research was conducted by Kevin Campbell, Philip Louie, Brett Levine, and Jeremy Gililland. It was published in the Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. The study focuses on the use of patient engagement platforms in orthopedic surgery, specifically portals, mobile health applications, and chatbots. These platforms have been found to improve patient satisfaction scores and outcomes, enhancing the effectiveness of the perioperative orthopedic surgical home. The authors emphasize the importance of choosing a platform that aligns with the specific needs and improvement goals of the health system.

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