
Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Patient Satisfaction Surveys are tools used to collect feedback from patients regarding their experiences with healthcare providers and services. This feedback can be used to find places to improve, improve the quality of care, and make patients happier and healthier in the long run.

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Using Market Data When Changing Vendors

Apr 28, 2023

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Maximizing Patient Engagement with Third-Party Partnerships: A 1-2-3 Model Approach

May 1, 2023

"Implementation and use of technology-enabled blood pressure monitoring and teleconsultation in Singapore’s primary care: a qualitative evaluation using the socio-technical systems approach"

This study, published in BMC Family Practice, explores the implementation of a blood pressure telemedicine intervention in primary care. It identifies key barriers and facilitators, emphasizing the role of patient satisfaction surveys in assessing effectiveness. The research concludes that well-executed interventions can enhance healthcare delivery, patient safety, and reduce hospital visits.

"Patient satisfaction with primary care physician performance in a multicultural population"

This research was conducted by Samah Hayek, Shany Derhy, Mathew Lee Smith, Samuel D. Towne, Jr, and Shira Zelber-Sagi. It was published in the journal BMC Health Services Research in 2020. The research critically reviewed the literature on patient satisfaction with healthcare services, identifying factors influencing satisfaction, its consequences, and the instruments used for measurement.

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