
Care Coordination Services

Care Coordination Services involve organizing and managing healthcare services and resources to make sure that patients get the right care at the right time and in the right place. These services can improve the health of patients, lower their health care costs, and make them happier and healthier.

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The 8 Benefits of Optimized SaaS in Healthcare - And How to Obtain Them Using Best Practices

May 12, 2023

"Community Health Teams: a qualitative study about the factors influencing the decision-making process"

This study investigates the factors that influence Community Health Teams (CHTs) in their decisions about what services to offer and how to allocate their resources. The study was conducted in Vermont, where CHTs are paid a fixed amount per year and given flexibility in the services offered and the populations prioritized. The results revealed the following influential factors: (1) Blueprint’s flexible structure, (2) commitment to offering high-quality care coordination, (3) use of data, and (4) strength of community partnerships. The study concludes that CHTs are a replicable model for leveraging community partnerships to increase service capacity and public engagement in health services for other states. Community-based CHTs with flexible funding can work closely with their communities to develop programs that are responsive to community needs. The CHTs gather community needs data, build partnerships and coalitions with community partners, and then design programs and hire staff to fit the needs and priorities of their local communities.

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