"Analyzing patient experiences using natural language processing: development and validation of the artificial intelligence patient reported experience measure (AI-PREM)"
This research was conducted by Marieke M. van Buchem, Olaf M. Neve, Ilse M. J. Kant, Ewout W. Steyerberg, Hileen Boosman, and Erik F. Hensen. It was published in the BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making journal. The study developed and validated the Artificial Intelligence Patient-Reported Experience Measures (AI-PREM) tool, which consists of a new, open-ended questionnaire, a natural language processing pipeline to analyze the answers using sentiment analysis and topic modeling, and a visualization to guide physicians through the results. The AI-PREM tool was found to be a comprehensive method that combines a validated, open-ended questionnaire with a well-performing NLP pipeline and visualization.